A Summary of Bugglebury

An animated Series of exciting adventures designed for pre-school children through fun, character-driven stories, peppered with actual facts. The aim is for our young audience to absorb truths about the work of insects through ‘soft learning,’ encouraging children everywhere to grow up with a more caring attitude about the world around them.


is an action and adventure-filled, animated mixed-media TV Series about a familiar group of garden bugs and mini-beasts living deep in the undergrowth of a suburban garden in an Anywhere town – near where you, or I or our viewers live.


and their importance to the world to young children through adventure stories and action for TV and multi-platform development, it is proposed that the TITLE SEQUENCES, opening and closing each episode, is live-action footage of mini-beasts in their natural setting, before the vision morphs into animation as the story begins.

...are appealing and lively, spirited and also a little edgy and spiky – as one would expect animated bugs to be. But these characters also have an endearing comedic quality to them which will frequently make our young viewers double over in laughter. They live in a world full of drama, peril, fun, excitement and humour, set in a natural, wild habitat, surrounded by a strong overgrown hedge, covered with ivy, tucked hidden away at the bottom of a garden.


BENJI Beetle

SCARLETT the ladybird

SPINNY the spider

WOODNEY Woodlouse

CRYSTAL caterpillar